The Creator.of .The Universe Has A Calendar.

The Illustrated Creation Calendar By Enoch, The 7th From,

“The Adam”!

By Nils Pontentenstein2019.  All Rights Reserved.

Where Has This Calendar Been?

The Creation Calendar has been hidden in plain sight. It is documented in the book of Enoch, is the calendar of the Patriarch’s since Adam, the children of Israel, found in the Priests temple library, (until 70 CE) the Ethiopian Scriptures, Coptic Orthodox Assemblies of Alexandria Egypt, Northeast Africa and the Middle East. It is also the foundation of the Zodiac birth months, and the Farmers Almanac. It is not for soothsaying, witchcraft. All of the original books of the old and new testament, now exist only in the Ethiopian and Coptic Orthodox Assemblies bible.

The Creation calendar is attested to in I Enoch and the Book of Jubilees. It is very much the same as the Farmers Almanac, and the 12 Zodiac months, all are 364 days and 12 months, making the year, called the Pleiades’s as noted in the book of Job! All three calendars start on the first day of spring, The Equinox. But, there are other calendars, religious as well!

Why The Dichotomy?

The Problems Exist Within The Roman And Jewish Calendars, Bound With “The Traditions of Men”, About The Crucifixion Dates.

A remarkable solution to the puzzling chronology is solved by the Enoch calendar. All religions are spiked with truth, but, “they” do not consider the names of the Creator nor the Son, much less the Calendar of Creation.

“I Am The Living Yahusha, The Way and The Truth and The Life; no man comes to my Father but by me alone.” ( John 14., Aramaic Bible in Plain English ) So, is it religion, or traditions he taught, or a way of life shown by His life style? Traditions, is truth with added lies that belie the reality of Father Yahuah, and Yahusha Messiah and distortions of His eternal Laws. Why in an honest biblical exegesis are false teachings promoted as the center of truth? Simply, it is confusion, and control to promote religion, hiding the heritage of the Creator Elohim by and in all His glory. Note that the Roman calendar in it’s use openly promotes the week day and month names exclusive to Rome! Such usage locks in their way by the Julian calendar, revised by Pope Gregory, and is now known as the the Gregorian calendar. It was adopted in a treaty with Rome in 1752 by the British Empire.

The Gregorian calendar, is an artificial construct, created by Julius Caesar. It ignores Enoch’s creation calendar, excepting the Spring Equinox of the original correct and reliable tool of Creator, Yahuah. This also applies to the Jewish calendar, it uses the Roman day names with it’s 7 day week, thus locking in Rome’s week in the Jewish calendar with it’s moons cycles for month computations. All confusion, the Devils workshop!

Is it not possible to look at history to follow the “Traditions of Men”! What does the Creator of the universe, Yahuah Elohim speak, of His Appointed Days and Seasons? Read Leviticus 23! It was 33 A.D., not 31 A.D., that Messiah Yahusha, was impaled on a stake!  The Gospels prove this and history reveals it.  Read the words and see the times. *Tekfuah, the turn of the season, Strong’s # 8622. Earth Sun interactions, Equinox, more particularly the Spring Equinox. *

Spring marks a new year, not January 1st, of the Roman calendar nor the fall Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah.

The Enoch calendar is seasonal/solar. Note, the British Empire used March 25 as the beginning of their new year prior to the 1752 treaty with Rome. Why? Shades of the Saxons? Issac’s Sons?

The Moon Is Not Considered In It’s Course In The Yearly Cycle.

The Enoch Priestly Calendar consists of a 364 day year, divided into seven day weeks, In twelve months of thirty days each except for one extra day in the last month of each quarter . The calendar accommodates the 365.24 days of the present time. The 4 seasons are Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

When the 364 count has been accomplished as instructed by Enoch and Jubilees, you will arrive with an extra day for the physical year every 3 years and two days on the 4th year. The 3 and 4th year cycle repeats continually. The extra days are not counted as part of a 7 day week nor numbered, they are simply lived. This is why we live in a 365.24 day world, but count 364 days to do as Enoch has commanded for the calendar. The calendar accounts for the full year of 365.24 days by observing the Equinox, for Spring’s start of a New Year, year by year. We simply stop counting and wait till the daytime observed Spring Equinox occurs which is the first day of Spring, is the New Year, day one of the 364 day count on the observed daytime event, tekfuah. Enoch, Chapter 72;

“In this way he rises in the  first month in the great portal,  which  is the fourth [those six portals in the cast]. And in that fourth portal from which the sun rises in the first month are twelve window-openings, from which proceed a flame when they are opened in their season. When the sun rises in the heaven, he comes forth through that fourth portal thirty, mornings in succession, and sets accurately in the fourth portal in the west of the heaven.”

We need to recognize that the year was possibly 364 day’s in the Creation Epic. It is postulated by some, that due to the Fallen Ones evil deeds, recorded in Genesis chapter 6 and the flood, earth slowed to take up a 365.24 day orbit.

See the chart, “The 4 Seasons As Viewed From Space”

Creator Yahuah, States Unequivocally, These Are His Days And Also To “Remember The Sabbath”, Not A Sabbath! What Day Is The Sabbath And Who’s Week Will It Register On, Roman, Jewish Or Enoch’s? 

The first day, starts the count of 364 days at the portal, the Spring Equinox, thus keeping the calendar on season every year. The new year, day one, will be the 4th day of a 7 day week. It is not the Wednesday of the Roman or Jewish calendar.   (See the overview charts for a visual perspective)  This 4th day, is unique to Enoch only. Consider who’s calendar it is, not man made, that is for sure.

This sequence of the 4th day celebrates the creation of light as read in Genesis, the fourth day of creation, the luminaries. The Enoch day starts at sunrise, celebrating the creation of light, not the beginning of darkness.

The Biblical days accounted as “My Appointed time are these”, are found in Exodus 12, 31, Leviticus 23, and Deuteronomy 14. They are the 3 festival seasons, commanded assemblies.

Sabbath is a DAY of REST. No work will be done, no working fires. It is a convocation/assembly in place wherever you are, at home or in the place you are. All are free from labor and will be refreshed!

The First Festival Season. The first month, the 10th day, a lamb or goat is set aside for slaughter midday on the 14th, the preparation for the evening Passover Vigil. The 14th at evening is the start of the 7 days of Unleavened Bread, ending at the evening of the 21st day of the month. At day break, the 15th day, is the first annual convocation, the 4th day of the week. The last day of this 7 day period is also a convocation falling on the 3rd day of the next week. For the convocations, one does not do regular work. Food preparation for the day is normal. All commanded assemblies. A second Passover is 30 days later. 14th day, month 2, Numbers 9:9-14

The Second Festival Season. To arrive at the second festival one must note the offering of the wave sheaf, (Leviticus 23:11) the Omer-Waving ceremony falling on the 26th day of the first month which the festival, the Feast of Weeks is counted from. The seven weeks and a day takes you to Pentecost, the15th day of the 3rd month.
A commanded convocation. Food may be prepared. Not a day of regular work. Convocation means a dress rehearsal. All holy days are dress rehearsals for what will be.
The Third Festival Season. The fall festivals of the 7th month, Feast of Trumpets, day 1 is the 4th day of the week. Atonement starts on the evening of the 9th day till the evening of the 10th day. The evening of the 6th day of the week is preparation time, that the people can prepare Sabbath meals prior to the 7th day at sunrise, the weekly Sabbath .
The Feast of Tabernacles is the 15th day, and the Last Great Day (seen as the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles), or The White Throne Judgment, always begins on the 4th day of the week, the 22nd of the 7th month at sunrise. The first and last day are commanded convocations. Special day’s. No regular work, food may be prepared.
How about Hanukkah, the feast of Dedications, the Festival of lights? The book of Maccabees details this period starting in about 200 BCE. Ending at about 152 BCE with victory for Judah and then re dedication of the Temple after cleansing and rebuilding because of the horrors visited on the sanctuary and the people by the Gentile Greece/Roman empire. Note the “view” chart of the conception and birth if Yahusha!
Yahusha Messiah, did differentiate themselves from the rest of Israel. He and His Disciples celebrated the festivals of the Enoch, Zadoc Priestly Calendar, on the appointed dates, rather than the the adopted Babylonian/Greek 12/13 month calendar of Judah after the 70 years captivity, now excoriated in the book of Jubilees.
The Book of Jubilees: Chapter 6
Enoch is quoted in Jude in the N.T. The context of the Jubilees quote also found in the book of Enoch.
A command thou the children of Israel that they observe the years according to this reckoning- three hundred and sixty-four days, and (these) will constitute a complete year, and they will not disturb its time from its days and from its feasts; for everything will fall out in them according to their testimony, and they will not leave out any day nor disturb any feasts. But if they do neglect and do not observe them according to His commandment, then they will disturb all their seasons and the years will be dislodged from this (order), [and they will disturb the seasons and the years will be dislodged] and they will neglect their ordinances. And all the children of Israel will forget and will not find the path of the years, and will forget the new months, and seasons, and Sabbaths and they will go wrong as to all the order of the years. For I know and from henceforth will I declare it unto thee, and it is not of my own devising; for the book (lies) written before me, and on the heavenly tablets the division of days is ordained, lest they forget the feasts of the covenant and walk according to the feasts of the Gentiles after their error and after their ignorance. For there will be those who will assuredly make observations of the moon -how (it) disturbs the seasons and comes in from year to year ten days too soon. For this reason the years will come upon them when they will disturb (the order), and make an abominable (day) the day of testimony, and an unclean day a feast day, and they will confound all the days, the holy with the unclean, and the unclean day with the holy; for they will go wrong as to the months and Sabbaths and feasts and jubilees. For this reason I command and testify to thee that thou moist testify to them; for after thy death thy children will disturb (them), so that they will not make the year three hundred and sixty-four days only, and for this reason they will go wrong as to the new months and seasons and Sabbaths and festivals, and they will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of flesh. ________________________________________________
* Edited to reflect the Hebrew words in context and fidelity.
It is certain that, at the beginning of the first century, A.D., there existed two other liturgical calendars along with
Enoch’s Creation Calendar.
They were and still are the Roman Julian/Gregorian, and the Jewish lunar months calendar. Their feasts and appointed times were assigned by the lunar months and are the official calendar of the “Jewish” religion emerging after the period of Maccabees rebellion which was refined after 70 AD due to the loss of the temple.
Part of this “refining” after the loss of the temple was excising many of the collected books of law and history from the Zadoc Priests temple library. The ignored calendar, except for the few who followed Enoch’s calendar were also ignored and abused as was Yahusha.
Enoch was, as is now, a stumbling block to the politically appointed Priests of that era and to this day! The Calendar posted the appointed times and feasts on fixed days of a seven day week determined by the month and season of the year using the 364 day specific count starting on the Spring Equinox for it’s days. Enoch does not ignore we live in a 365.2 day year. That is a unique quality.
Of note, the Jewish weeks use and the Roman week day names for their 7 day week. So how Is it Judaism’s Sabbath Occurs Neatly On The Roman/Julian Saturday?
The character of the Enoch calendar has now been re-discovered in contemporary Jewish sources. It is witnessed not only in its Jubilees-Qumran type; but it did also existed in Israel prior to the 70 year captivity of Judah in Babylon.
With The Discovered Exiled Zadok, Enoch Revealed Calendar, The Formula For The Identification Of The Biblical Sabbath Day
is again Revealed.
The Book of Enoch was dropped from the Jewish scriptures, most likely because it referred to him, “the son of man”, as Messiah. The book was quoted as scripture by the early congregations until the middle of the third century A.D.
Enoch, was accepted as a divine work having been written by Enoch himself. It then fell into disrepute and was banned from the canon of scripture in the fourth century, partly because it didn’t agree with how “the way” came to be redefined after the death of the apostles.
The Enoch Calendar
The Calendar is detailed in the 1st Book Of Enoch. It is the original Calendar of the antediluvian patriarchs, up through Abraham, and Jacob until the captivity of Israel in Egypt.
It was again taught by Moses as read in Exodus 12., and it continued in effect through the 2nd Temple period under Ezra and Nehemiah. It was the official Hebrew calendar until the 2nd Century BCE, when King Antiochus IV ended the use of the Enoch Calendar and forced the Hebrew people to observe the Lunar Calendar.
The New Moon Calendar was used by the Greeks, derived from the Babylonians. When “Alexander the Great” conquered the middle east at the end of the 4th century BCE, the Lunar Calendar was introduced and was gradually accepted by most of the people, except for the Hebrews, of Judah.
In 167 BCE, King Antiochus IV gave orders to Jerusalem’s High Priest Menelaus to completely Hellenize the Jews and abandon the Enoch Calendar in favor of the New Moon Calendar.
King Antiochus banned the Hebrew practices and prohibited all sacred practices and teachings. He sent a Senator from Athens to give the Hebrew people an ultimatum, forsake the Laws of their Yahuah, and follow the Kings orders or be put to death, and so it was, most of the Hebrew people followed the Kings orders to save their families, but yet many were put to death for they refused the king.
King Antiochus forced the Hebrew people to celebrate
the “Birthday of the Moon” every month, at the time of the visible crescent, and he ordered them to worship his god Zeus. When he dedicated the Temple in Jerusalem to Zeus, the Lord of Heaven (Baal Shamen), and began sacrificing swine and making abominable offerings on the temple altar, this was the impetus that began the Maccabees revolt (1 Maccabees 1:41-64 & 2 Maccabees 6:1-11).
Hephaistio of Thebes was an astrologer in the 5th Century CE, who compiled the historical Hellenistic Astrology Records in his work called “Apotelesmatics.” Hephaistio quotes King Antiochus, saying that the New Moon is the time when the “Moon is Born” and is the “Birthday of the Month.” (Apotelesmatics, Hephaistio of Thebes, Book I,Vol VI, Compendium, tr. Robert H.Schmidt & Robert Hand 1994 p.82 lines 21-24)
The Book of Jubilees was written during this difficult time period to preserve the Enoch Calendar. It warned the Hellenistic “Jews”, Hebrews, to guard themselves against keeping the Athenian Calendar that began the year on the first New Moon after the Summer Solstice. The writers of the Book of Jubilees feared that if the Hebrew people observed King Antiochus’ monthly New Moon Festival Day, that begins the Greek Month, that they would forget the Enoch Calendar.
The Translation Error of New Moon
The term “New Moon” (yareach chadash) is Not Written anywhere in the Hebrew Scriptures. The Scriptures only use the word “month” (chodesh), which means either “month” or “new month” on the Solar Calendar. CHODESH means “Month” and its root word CHADASH which means “New.” They also confused the word YERACH which means “Month,” as in a “Complete Month,” with the word YAREACH which means “Moon,” and this is where the translation error of New Moon came into the various books and bibles, as it was commonly known that the Hebrew people observed the New Moon and kept a New Moon Festival every month.
However, this is not commanded in the Torah, nor is the term “New Moon” ever mentioned in the whole Torah when you look at the original Hebrew text.
It is not possible for the Saturday of today to be the 7th Day Sabbath continually week by week and year by year. Although the “Name Order of the Roman/Jewish calendars” of the Days remain in their same positions, the corresponding Enoch “Number Order” of the Days have changed positions year by year on the others because of counting from the Spring Equinox.
This is important note the weekly 7th DAY is the DAY that was made HOLY, not Saturday marked on the Roman/Jewish calendars. The 7th day of a seven day week is particular only to the Enoch accounting.
The 7th Day Sabbath is on a Fixed Day of the week on the Enoch 364 Day counted Calendar. It is “Exactly 52 Weeks,” not “52 Weeks and Two Days” as with the Julian/Gregorian Calendar.
One needs to remember that about March 20th (every year) is the Spring, (*tekufah) Equinox. That day is the 4th day of a new 7 day week. The day celebrates the creations 4th day on which Yahuah Elohim, made the luminaries. The extra day or two prior to the Equinox is not counted after the 364 day is complete for the full year.
An element leading to this research dealt with the dating of His Last Supper, and the day of the Crucifixion. The year was 33 AD, not 29, 30 or 31 AD. Then there are the “three days and three nights” timeline, and the Resurrection day!
The date of the Last Supper is linked with the problem of the day of Messiah Yahusha’s death, a question which has occupied exegesis since the end of the second century. In the present work the solution is found in the ancient Hebrew calendar, recently recovered and illuminated by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and is further supported by the Ethiopian and Coptic congregations.
Read the article by Professor Rachel Elior of Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Powerful indeed.
Yahusha’s Last Supper occurred on April 3rd, the 13th of the Enoch first month, a Friday night (Roman/Jewish week date) taking place in the guesthouse “upper room”, of the Zadok, community on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. The dining hall site, is the only candidate for the Cenacle (Coenaculum, dining hall) from early believers until today”.
A topographical study of the site of the Upper Room, indicates the Last Supper did indeed take place in the Priest dining hall on Mt. Sion. Yahusha and his followers walked down from the Upper City’s Priestly quarters, using steps still visible beside the Chapel of Peter-in-Gallicantu on the eastern slope of Mt. Zion. The location of the Upper Room, there are steps leading up from the Church of St. Peter-in-Gallicantu, on the eastern slope of Mt. Zion, going towards a point most likely the spot for a doorway of an ancient house. This door opened towards a platform leading to a house whose level would correspond to a second story “upper room”. The evidence on Mt. Zion, in the light of textual analysis, was the Mahaneh (the camp) of the Levite, Zadoc Priesthood community during the time of Yahusha. The Last Supper, was a meal instituting the bread and wine remembrance of Him on the 13th day, (Roman/Jewish Friday) at night, and is not the Passover Vigil. It is held that the Crucifixion occurred the following Roman Saturday, (Enoch, 14th day, month one) Passover preparation, the 3rd day of the week is the Jewish calendar Sabbath on the Roman/Jewish calendar structure. See the Passover dates chart

THE Passover Date

The sacrifice of the victims, animal slaughter, was about noon, (between the evenings) the preparation day time for the night of the 14th, the commanded Passover vigil meal, and first day of the unleavened bread festival.  The killing/crucifixion date allows 5 days for the incarceration, trial, killing and the entombment and resurrection just before the dawn of the prescribed Enoch/Priestly Sabbath. The Mary’s came after Sabbath on the first day of the Enoch week, (Roman Thursday) at the sunrise, the first day of the week. See the The first month calendar, A. Also go to the day start link. Roman and Jewish traditions, and the remarkable solution to the days chronology is now solved by the Enoch calendar. Look at the coinciding of Jewish and Enoch dates on 33 A.D., the Roman Sunday March 22nd! See The first month calendar, A. This material is from the Qumran Dead sea Scrolls found in 1947-48, the Judean Desert, the Jordan valley, Israel. See yearly calendar B.

The inhabitants of Qumran were the priestly tribe, sons of Zadoc, sons of Levi, who formally served in the Temple at Jerusalem. These were the pure blood Levite community who were the authorized line for service in the Temple. They were not celibates. The cast that took over and pushed the appointed priests out were mixed blood of Cain and Levi. They were Roman political appointees not authorized as noted by the discourse the Savior had in the Temple as read in the Gospel of John, chapter 8. Read Joshua chapter 9 to see who the interlopers were and how they got mixed in!
The Earthquake!
I went back to see if logic works with regard to His crucifixion as I noted three years ago, and if 30 A.D. was right, Seems my counting was off. After re-count and examining the Equinox spring from 27 A.D. to 35 A.D., 33 was the year. The “Jewish” Babylonian/Greek lunar calendar days for 33 A.D., coincided exactly with Enoch for the Passover season and the count to get to Pentecost.
After the study, I asked the question on Google, “when did He die”? Also, “just 33 AD”? On yahoo, the answer was as I surmised, 33AD. Then this from the Huffington post came up as well . . . crucifixion-date-possible_n_1546351.html
Be aware, the references do not use Enoch dates. They will be on the Jewish/Roman only. Incorrect dates ignore Biblical sequences for time, date, month and season.
It is interesting that Father Yahuah obscured the ability to see the first crescent of the Jewish Moon Month so that it would be seen on the next night to coincide with the daytime sighting of the Enoch date, the first day of spring to be observed and marked!
Both Jewish and Enoch Calendars for the Passover dates in 33A.D. coincide in perfect order for the days as taught in His Ways and teaching in Leviticus 23. The correct counting, puts all in a correct flow and structure for His last supper, His crucifixion on the stake and 3 days and three nights in the grave and the count to arrive at Pentecost!
The Roman year 2018 is about 5985, using history.
Raymond Paul Moats.
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364 Master PDF Space 13-24

First Month 33AD Mast.jpg

8.5 by 11 inches.

Yearly calendar B.

11 by 8.5 in.


Spring Dates 2018-19    1st month Revision, the 18th day!

spring tag.jpg

Spring 2018  JPG . 14 by 27.jpg

Summer  2018-19 14 by 27.jpg

Fall 2018-19 JPG. 14 by 27.jpg

winter 14 by 27 2018-19.jpg

2019 Equinox will be March 21st, ( the actual Spring Equinox can’t be observed till sunrise the next day, as it happens on the 20th day at 11:58 P.M. on the Roman clock of the Roman calendar, and is observed on the 21st day of the Roman month of March, the 1st day of the Enoch Calendar.)  It is the 2 day lapse that happens every 4 years like clock work!   A 2 day wait after the 364 day count for Enoch ending on the 18th of March of the Roman calendar.

An Over View of the Calendar

14 by 31 inches

364 Master PDF Space 13-24.jpg

Right click, to view image.


50 BCESabbath

Equinox equil light

psalm box


The First Month

Available,  >  Send $7.00,  for all of the materiels presented.  Larger format graphics will be available.

All Rights Reserved.  Copy and Publish by  permission only with credit to owner,

By Nils Pontentenstein2019.  All Rights Reserved.



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  1. allanriek · February 23, 2019

    Thank you for you work in putting forward the Chanoch, Tzadok Priestly Calendar as I have been following this exactly as you have shown here, and have been trying to share it with other followers of The Way. I hope to see more from you in the future. he qodesh mishpachah of Elohim grows slowly but ever faster as guided by Ruach ha’Qodesh. Barak you and yours. Allan


  2. enochandhishistory33ad · February 23, 2019

    Thank you! Truth,The word is getting out,even, in New Zealand now !


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